
The Dutch Association of Little People is known under the name of BVKM. This association is established on April 6th. 1974 and is intended for little people with a length below the 1,55 metres (5,1 feet). Children under the age of 18 are represented by their parents. Parents of children who have reached the age of 18, can become a contributor. The association is funded by member contributions, donors and governmental subsidiary funds.

The main purpose of our association is:

  • to represent the common and individual values of our members. Important themes such as participation, the access to adjustments and developments in the medical field;
  • to maintain contacts with government departments, other agencies and interested parties to attract collaboration/co-operation;
  • to accomplish contacts with similar organisations in other countries.

Our association is the only association in the Netherlands in which we represent values of the people with a length below 5.1 feet. It’s a comfortable and professional group with a number of appr. 350 members who have the purposes and values of our association at heart. Therefore, we are unique in our own (short) way.

The association consists of different committees:

  • The board:
    • President, secretary, financial treasurer and general board member
  • Regions
    • The regional coordinator
    • The region representatives
  • Committees:
    • Sports committee
    • Parents committee
    • Youth committee
    • Elderly committee
    • Editor group of BVKM’s magazine: 'de Vriendschap'
    • Social Media committee
    • Focus group social participation
    • General counsel
    • Project groups
    • Info-line and administration
    • International representative

If you would like to share information or if you have any specific questions, feel free to send an e-mail to the person or committee you wish to contact.